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On the brink of MWC25 Barcelona 2025, the EIF and GSMA Roundtable will convene MEPs, high-level representatives from the European Commission, BEREC and industry stakeholders to discuss the future of Europe’s digital connectivity as the new political cycle begins.

Despite sustained efforts to meet 2030 Digital Decade Targets, the State of the Digital Decade 2024 report indicates that, under current trajectories, Europe is projected to fall short of its digital goals. European Commission's White Paper - How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs? highlights that without strategic investments and coordinated policies, gaps in digital connectivity and infrastructure will likely continue to grow. This concern is echoed in both the Mario Draghi’s and Enrico Letta’s reports on competitiveness and the future of the Single Market, underscoring the significant challenges facing Europe's digital infrastructure and competitiveness.

With the demand for connectivity expected to increase with the rise of new technologies, a key question remains: how can Europe foster competition and innovation to drive larger investments in technology and infrastructure, while ensuring fair competition among providers and empowering telecom operators to deliver faster, more reliable services?

As the European Commission prepares a legislative proposal on a Digital Networks Act, participants will discuss how Europe can achieve its vision of a thriving digital and competitive society. This includes innovative approaches to addressing the investment gap, ensuring level playing field and scalability, and adapting future spectrum policy to foster a more competitive and innovative environment for Europe.

  • Programme


    Welcome coffee


    Welcome & Opening remarks

    Laszlo Toth, Head of Europe and CIS, GSMA

    Pilar del Castillo, MEP and EIF Steering Committee member



    Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director-General, DG CNECT, European Commission

    Robert Mourik, BEREC Chair 2025 and Commissioner of the Irish Commission for Communications Regulation

    Ben Wreschner, Chair of the GSMA Policy Group Europe, Chief Economist and Head of Public Affairs Vodafone Group

    Open discussion moderated by

    Jennifer Baker, EU policy and tech reporter

    The Chatham House rule will apply to the discussion


    Networking drinks hosted by the GSMA

Practical information

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  • Laszlo Toth Head of Europe & CIS GSMA
  • Pilar del Castillo MEP, EIF Steering Committee Member
  • Renate Nikolay Deputy Director-General, DG CNECT European Commission
  • Robert Mourik BEREC Chair 2025
  • Ben Wreschner Chair of the Policy Group Europe GSMA
  • Jennifer Baker EU policy and tech reporter