In 2023 we delivered a very rich programme of in-person events, while maintaining a virtual format for some internal meetings and ad-hoc sessions.

Notably, we organised 19 MEP-led digital policy debates covering the most relevant topics of the EU digital agenda, including our traditional Roundtable discussion at MWC in Barcelona, which was followed by an MEP visit to MWC in collaboration with the GSMA, and a Reception with European Commission Executive Vice President Vestager.

At the beginning of 2023 we also kicked off a special foresight project 'The Digital World toward 2020 - Challenges ahead for Europe', with the aim of publishing a report in view of the European Parliament elections in June 2024, authored by Ajit Jaokar - Visiting Fellow for Artificial Intelligence, Department of Engineering, University of Oxford. 

As part the project, we hosted 8 online conversations with tech and policy experts together with the author of the report.

Check out the key figures of our 2023 in our Year in Review. 

Browse the full 2023 Annual Report at this link.

2023Year in review

  • 2022

    After two years of pandemic, in 2022 we delivered a rich program of virtual and hybrid debates as well as special projects involving different stakeholders and enabling a wider understanding of Europe's digital future.

    We organised 21 debates covering the most relevant topics of the EU digital agenda: 

    • Cybersecurity
    • Digital Economy
    • Digital Society
    • Connectivity
    • Technology
    • Data
    • Internet Governance

    Furthermore, we organized online internal meetings that included 2 Programming Committee meetings, 5 Steering Committee meetings, 6 Board meetings, 1 General Assembly meeting and 2 'Virtual Coffee with the team' meetings.

    With the hybrid format, we aimed to be inclusive in engaging our audience and we continued developing our activities that focus on digital policy issues and on emerging future trends at both European and global levels. Toward the end of the year, we proposed some in-person debates and networking receptions, where members had the opportunity to re-connect with the network.

    The post-event materials (report, videos etc.) were made available to our network shortly after the debate.

    Browse the full 2022 Annual Report at this link