Business Members form

Organisation information

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Do you believe you meet the criteria for small & medium-sized enterprises (i.e. less than 250 employees, an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euros and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euros, and no more than one third of your capital owned directly or indirectly by a larger company)?

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Contact person

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Additional contact person

By submitting this membership application form, I hereby confirm that:

  • I fully endorse the mission and objectives of EIF, as set out by the EIF Statutes and ByLaws;
  • I took note and accept the membership obligations, as set out by the EIF Statutes and ByLaws and understand that failure to respect them can result in termination of membership;
  • I understand that membership acceptance is subject to approval by the EIF Steering Committee;
  • I have read the EIF Privacy Notice and I consent to the use of personal data for all communications related to EIF activities.
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