Bert Hubert has a 25 year track record in commercial and open source software development. He started his career by hacking the first cable Internet provider in his university town of Delft, and accepting a contracting job there to improve things.
Afterwards PowerDNS.COM BV was launched in 1999 to create an open source innovative database backed nameserver implementation, powering the conversion between (website) names and IP addresses for (web)hosters and communication service providers.
Before PowerDNS took off commercially, Bert spent 3 formative years working for the Dutch government on national security and later co-founded with Fox-IT a software company to furnish police and intelligence agencies with software to aid in digital investigations.
Subsequently, PowerDNS merged with the German Open-Xchange, and today PowerDNS serves around 30% of all Internet domain names world wide. In addition, hundreds of millions of ISP subscribers at major telecommunications companies are serviced by the PowerDNS Resolver.
Currently, Bert focuses on enhancing end-user privacy and maintaining a decentralized and more European Internet.