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  • Mr Francisco Mingorance
    Counselor and Executive Secretary


Francisco Mingorance is the Secretary General of @CISPE.cloud, representing European cloud infrastructure providers. In this capacity, he has worked with CEOs and founders of leading European cloud infrastructure companies to address discriminatory software licensing practices imposed on their businesses and customers since 2019. He has facilitated efforts leading to the filing of the AZURE I anti-trust challenge addressing unfair software licensing practices in the cloud market. Currently, he oversees CISPE activities on AZURE II, the sectoral anti-trust complaint addressing software discriminatory practices in Europe.

Previously, he supported the development of the first European cloud infrastructure Code of Conduct under the GDPR, which enables cloud users to store and process their data exclusively in Europe. Together with OHV (France), Aruba.IT (Italy), Ikoula (France), Hetzner (Germany), and AWS (US), he helped create this Code of Conduct.

Francisco is a board and founding member of the Gaia-X initiative on cloud computing and data spaces. He is also a founding member of the Climate Neutral Data Center Pact, which aims to achieve climate neutrality for all data centers and cloud infrastructure services in Europe by 2030.

After working for the European Commission to help broaden international access to essential patented medicines for HIV/AIDS, Francisco returned to the private sector and settled in Brussels to create the Business Software Alliance European representation of leading international software publishers. During his eleven-year tenure at the helm of BSA Europe, he developed various campaigns in Russia, Ukraine, and Europe, including a pan-European mobilization effort involving several thousand individual holders of European software patents who contributed to the unprecedented rejection of the Directive on Computer-Implemented Inventions (CII, 2006) and helped preserve patent rights on server software interfaces.

Francisco has over 25 years of experience developing European engagement strategies and public affairs campaigns for global technology firms. He is based between Brussels, Malaga, and Geneva, his hometown, and is of Hispano-Swiss origin.