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In the evening of Tuesday 1st October, EIF will host a special Welcome Reception for the new European Parliament. Hosted by the EIF Chair Pilar del Castillo MEP, the event will not only be an occasion to discuss key take-aways from the EIF report 'The Digital World toward 2040 - The rise of AI and Intelligent Autonomy' with the author, but also to hear about digital policy priorities for the new mandate from European Commission's point of view.

The occasion is open to all EIF members and will be also a timely opportunity to introduce the Forum to newly elected MEPs. Join us to (re)connect, discuss digital policy priorities and celebrate with us the start of a new political term.

  • Programme




    Opening remarks

    Pilar del Castillo MEP and EIF Chair

    Marina Kaljurand, MEP and incoming EIF Chair


    Ajit Jaokar, Visiting Fellow for Artificial Intelligence, Department of Engineering, University of Oxford; Author, The Digital World towards 2040 report

    Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director-General, DG CNECT, European Commission


    Maria Rosa Gibellini, Director General, European Internet Forum

    Networking reception

Practical information

01 October 2024 18:30 - 20:30

European Parliament
Members' Salons
Rue Wiertz 60

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  • Pilar del Castillo MEP, EIF Chair
  • Marina Kaljurand MEP, EIF Steering Committee Member
  • Ajit Jaokar Visiting Fellow for Artificial Intelligence University of Oxford
  • Renate Nikolay Deputy Director-General, DG CNECT European Commission
  • Maria Rosa Gibellini Director General European Internet Forum