03 February 2014

The 8th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place in Bali, Indonesia took place last October 2013 under the theme "Building Bridges - Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation for Growth and Sustainable Development".

EIF attended IGF together with the European Parliament and the European Commission delegations and helped coordinate bilateral meetings with ICANN, National Parliamentarians and EIF members.

On 22 January EIF hosted a breakfast debate to offer an occasion for taking stock of the IGF process and continuing the conversation EIF started with MEPs, the Commission, business and civil society experts for the long-term sustainability of the internet as a network of networks, with a focus on the role of the EU.

Sabine Verheyen, MEP, EIF Political Member and member of the European Parliament’s delegation to IGF, chaired this debate. Ms Verheyen underlined that 2014 will be an important year for internet governance due to various high-level meetings taking place all over the world. She also mentioned the upcoming European Commission Communication on Internet Policy and Governance and stressed the need for Europe to take a leading role in internet governance.  

Listen to Sabine Verheyen's MEP opening remarks:

Nigel Hickson, VP, Stakeholder Engagement Europe at ICANN, reviewed the last IGF and noted that IGF in Bali was one of the most successful forums, with a strong foresight debate on the internet governance, internet freedom, human rights and privacy.

Mr Hickson also noted that the year 2014 will be a turning point for internet governance as the following questions should be answered: should IGF continue in its present form? What is the role of ICANN and what is Europe’s role in the debates on internet governance?

Listen to Nigel Hickson's speech:

Prof. Michael Rotert, Chairman of eco (Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V.) took the floor last. He presented his overview of the last IGF. He noted that the dominating theme at the last IGF was the US government surveillance, which raised questions on developing local infrastructures and internet exchange points. 

He also presented EuroDIG, European dialogue on Internet governance. Their annual meeting this year will take place in June in Berlin.

Listen to Prof. Michael Rotert's speech:

The 9th Annual IGF Meeting will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-5 September 2014. More information can be found here: http://www.intgovforum.org/



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