14 December 2017

On Tuesday 5, EIFonline & MEPs Michal Boni and Julie Ward invited members & friends to an exchange of views on the upcoming 12th Internet Governance Forum in Geneva.

#EIFAsks: What are your priorities and expectations for the 2017 IGF?

For Julie Ward, the whole concept of internet governance is about power, transparency and responsibility. If we really care about democracy and participation internet governance is really crucial. The MEP considers key the participation of the Youth IGF in this years' meeting.

Michal Boni, Head of the European Parliament delegation to IGF 2017, strongly believes that the internet should be at the service of the people to improve their lives in a broad range of areas from health to education. He looks forward sharing European experiences in a number of issues, such as cybersecurity, with stakeholders from around the globe.

Dominique Lazanski from GSMA gave an overview of the organisation and the topics of the meeting that will take place in Geneva, and stressed her organisation's support for the multi-stakeholder model. 

Yulia Morenets from “Together against Cybercrime” is a strong  supporter and believer of the Youth IGF movement. The idea is that young people across the world come together in a voluntary capacity to discuss internet governance related aspects. She looks forward fruitful exchanges between the movement and other stakeholders in Geneva.

The representative from the European Commission, Pearse O’Donohue, considered that it is very important for officials of all levels of the administration to listen to all stakeholders. The Commission’s approach to internet governance is to firmly and solidly support the multi-stakeholder approach to the governance of the internet.

In this EIFAsks video, MEPs Julie Ward and Michal Boni -Head of the EP Delegation to IGF-, Dominique Lazanski from GSMA and Pearse O'Donohue from DG CONNECT at the European Commission, share their priorities and expectations for this year’s encounter in Geneva.



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