02 November 2016

The EU's Energy Sector is part of the digital revolution. It is hoped that the "marriage" of the Energy Sector and the Digital Market will enable Smart Energy for all Europeans, enabling everybody to control personal energy consumption.

#EIFAsks: Smart Energy 4 all Europeans - How can policy makers help?

On 18 October, the European Internet Forum and the European Energy Forum organised a joined debate at the European Parliament to look into the regulatory aspects of Smart Energy.

MEPs Pilar del Castillo and Jerzy Buzek opened the debate. Both MEPs stressed the future importance of combining ICT and Energy.

Dominique Ristori, Director-General, DG Energy, European Commission, spoke about the potential of Smart Energy and the need to accelerate it. Mr. Ristory noted that the Smart Energy revolution will have a positive impact on all Europeans.

Folker Franz, Senior Vice President EU Public Affairs at ABB, described the opportunities that Smart Energy is creating for businesses. Mr Franz spoke about how Big Data is affecting energy consumption control and indentified regulatory changes needed to fully embrace this revolution.

Roberto Zangrandi, Special Adviser for Smart Grids at EDSO, presented a case of smart grid digitalization.

#EIFAsks: What should be the highest EU policy priority to help drive the uptake of Smart Energy technology?



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