22 November 2016

In September 2016, the European Commission launched a plan to boost EU efforts for the deployment of 5G infrastructures and services across the Digital Single Market by 2020. Yet in Europe today we still have around 7 million homes who lack Internet connectivity.

#EIFAsks: Are Europe's 5G ambitions realistic?

On 8 November, EIF and Michal Boni MEP hosted a panel of experts in the European Parliament to talk about future internet connectivity needs in Europe, 5G obstacles and promises.
In his opening remarks Mr Boni, presented the plan of what it will take to roll out 5G infrastructure across the EU. He stressed the importance of implementing these investments based on a competition model.

Laszlo Toth, Head of Public Policy - Europe at GSMA, focused on 5G-enabled business opportunities and addressed the challenges and obstacles that industries will need to overcome for successful roll out of this technology. He also spoke about the need for a modernised policy and regulatory framework that would match 5G ambitions, encourage partnerships and drive investment and innovation.

Krasimira Bozhinkova, VP Data Portfolio Management at SES, spoke about the need for hybrid connectivity models to ensure internet access for everyone. She also spoke about the satellite role in 5G technology roll out.

Markus Borchert, Senior Vice President Europe at Nokia and the President of DIGITALEUROPE, presented the economic and societal advantages of 5G. He also spoke about the regulatory changes that must be implemented in Europe to fully take advantage of this technology.

Anna Krzyzanowska, Head of Unit B5: Investment in High Capacity Networks at DG CONNECT, European Commission, presented the main points of the Commission’s 5G proposal. She stressed the need for good connectivity across all of the EU, and not only in the densely populated areas.

François Fischer, Senior Activity Manager at ERTICO – ITS Europe, spoke about how 5G will affect, and what opportunities it will bring, to the automotive industry.

Martyn Lee, Senior Technologist at Sky, stressed the importance of fair competition when it comes to 5G technology deployment, respecting WRC processes for spectrum

#EIFAsks: Are Europe’s 5G ambitions realistic?


  • #5G


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