19 May 2017

On Tuesday 25 April, EIF & Pilar del Castillo MEP and EIF Chair debated on #connectedcars. Participants tackled questions such as collaboration within the telecoms industry, user expectations or the challenges for car manufacturers.

#EIFAsks: How is Europe going to become the largest market for connected cars?

In her opening remarks, MEP Pilar del Castillo underlined that connected cars are a prominent feature of the EU policy agenda. In her view we can expect tangible benefits such as less congestion, more safety and even better energy efficiency in the near future.

Eddy Hartog, Head of Unit Smart Mobility and Living, DG CONNECT, considers that cars are becoming the centre of what is happening, Connected cars have brought various industries together unthinkable ten years ago ‘’it’s all about the digitalization of the industry’’. The European Commission expects new business models to come.

For Joachim Göthel, Senior Manager at BMW, connectivity will bring a lot of new features in the future for convenient and safe driving. With the internet of things, the number of connected devices and sensors will increase dramatically and therefore there are many opportunities to benefit from the so-called gigabit high-speed data connectivity.

Joel Schroeder, Vice President at Inmarsat, a global satellite operator, estimated that by 2025 100 percent of new cars shipped should be connected and that a hybrid network of satellites and terrestrial technologies will be required. Satellite technology could extend the reach of many applications outside of terrestrial coverage such as enhanced navigation to achieve centimeter level location accuracy for automated autonomous driving.

Uwe Janßen, VP Innovation & Research, Deutsche Telekom, underscored that broadband connectivity is the must in every car for infotainment content and digital maps precise for automated driving.

In this #EIFAsks video, MEP Pilar del Castillo , European Commission official DG CONNECT Eddy Hartog, and representatives of the car, tech and telecom industries.

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