25 September 2014

On the evening of 23 September, EIF hosted a special Welcome Reception for Members of the new European Parliament.

The event was chaired by Pilar del Castillo, MEP and EIF Chair. Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President responsible for the Digital Agenda, also addressed the audience. Peter Linton, principal author of the EIF report ‘The Digital World of 2030’, invited everyone to participate in an interactive voting session about relevant digital issues. 


'For the first time the digital economy played a leading role in the European Parliament’s work' - Pilar del Castillo MEP and EIF Chair

Pilar del Castillo welcomed MEPs, EIF members and friends. She took the opportunity to review the work of the previous mandate and talked about the upcoming priorities for the new Parliament. You can listen to her speech here: 

'It is about cooperation, joining and sharing’ – Vice President Neelie Kroes

Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President responsible for the Digital Agenda, also addressed present guests and asked for their support to The Telecom Single Market and Network and Information Security packages.

Peter Linton, principal author of the EIF report invited everyone to a live voting session about Europe’s place in the Digital World 2030. You will find the results here.

Peter Linton comments the voting results: 'Although this exercise was self-evidently not intended to be a rigorous scientific poll, but rather an “appetiser” for our full 2030 report (and by no means a comprehensive survey of its full contents), in the cold light of day I find the results quite provocative.  Indeed to my mind some of them (e.g. the 5G question) fall into the category, “only your best friends will tell you”. I’m also thinking that it could be valuable going forward to repeat this sort of exercise, casting our net more widely.' 



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