02 June 2016

Europe is home to a small number of Smart Cities who have leveraged telecommunications technologies to optimize the way they function, reduce waste & tap whatever efficiencies are to be had from innovatively deploying ICTs. People living and working in Smart Cities not only can enjoy the benefits of convenient living but also innovate and develop new Smart Cities technologies, applicable around the globe.

#EIFAsks Smart Cities: advantages for society & opportunities for businesses

On 25 May, Lambert van Nistelrooij, MEP and EIF Steering Committee member, invited representatives from the European Commission, Smart City of Amsterdam and industry to look deeper into the opportunities and issues around this topic. In his opening remarks he noted, that Smart Cities offer big opportunities for Europe.

Roberto Viola, Director General of DG CONNECT, European Commission, noted that it will take a set of technologies such as 5G, connectivity, open and big data, interoperability, internet of things, for smart cities develop across Europe.

Audrie van Veen, Strategic Advisor Europe for the Amsterdam Economic Board, presented the Smart Citiy technologies used in the City of Amsterdam. She also elaborated on smart cities’ technologies upscaling opportunities across Europe and the globe.

Gunnar Florus, Internet of Things Service Sales Lead at Cisco, noted the Europe has a big potential when it comes to Smart Cities. He took this opportunity to speak about what it takes to create a Smart City.

Bram Senave, IoT Expert at Actility, presented the activities of the company specializing in creating internet of things networks for other companies, and how this is also used for creation of smart cities’ technologies.

This debate offered a perfect opportunity to raise the question how can Europe take greater social and economic advantage of digital tools and technologies for the organisation of urban space and society. The speakers had a lot to say:


Highlights from Twitter @EIFonline:


Interesting start: @EIFOnline working breakfast on #smartcities with @AmEcBoard, @ViolaRoberto. #CDA #5G #IoT #cloud pic.twitter.com/h27fbKNoVl

— L. Van Nistelrooij (@LvNistelrooij) May 25, 2016

We need #open & interoperable solutions for #smartcities #datafactories - @ViolaRoberto at the EIF debate

— EIF (@EIFonline) May 25, 2016


Libraries have a role to pay in #SmartCities as "open, multimedia spaces of the future" says @ViolaRoberto. @EIFonline @erikboekesteijn

— PublicLibraries2020 (@LibrariesEU) May 25, 2016

.@gflorus Don't protect and hide good ideas, share what you have while standards emerge to ensure interoperable #smartcities .@EIFonline

— Cate (@CateNym) May 25, 2016

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