29 June 2016

The European Commission is about to announce the Privacy Shield deal - an outcome of the negotiations with the US counterpart on data transfers across the Atlantic.

#EIFAsks: Does the Privacy Shield solve Europe’s problem?

To have a clearer view on what’s coming, EIF and Angelika Niebler MEP invited Renate Nikolay, Head of the Cabinet of Commissioner Vera Jourova, Daniel Fesler from Baker McKenzie, and John Frank from Microsoft, to discuss what Europe needs to fully enjoy the economic advantages of data- enabled transatlantic businesses, while ensuring its citizens right to privacy.

In her opening remarks Ms Niebler welcomed the Privacy Shield as a tool allowing European companies, big and small, to do transatlantic businesses.

Daniel Fesler, Partner at Baker McKenzie, spoke about the legal framework in which Privacy Shield will be adopted. He also elaborated on why the Privacy Shield is important and presented recommendations for improvement.

Renate Nikolay, the Head of the Cabinet of Commissioner Vera Jourova, European Commission, spoke in depth about the Privacy Shield and its benefits in comparison with earlier Safe Harbour regulation. She also noted the importance of EU-US officials working together and accepting each other’s different approaches to privacy in order to enable transatlantic businesses.

John Frank, VP for European Government Affairs at Microsoft, spoke about the issue of data protection and privacy from the global business point of view.

After the debate EIF invited all panelists to share their thoughts on whether the Privacy Shield as it stands solve Europe’s problem.



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